Transfer description

The company was founded by Jan and Krystyna Łapaj, and the main activity is related to running two four-star hotels. After many years of work, the owners decided to transfer their business to their children. A key to a successful succession was the creation of the document the Heritage Statute, which normalized the whole relationship between the family, the company and the ownership structure. It reflects the intentions of the founders of the Family Company Łapaj – Krystyna and Jan Łapaj – establishing their company, as well as outlining the company’s development vision.

The document consists of ten chapters and three family agreements, the chapters including:
– ownership and management structure
– education program for family members
– management of family bodies

The document is complemented by three family agreements regarding: regulations regarding property rights, the way of recruitment and working conditions in a family business and the conflict resolution. 

The new successors employed a non-executive director to the management board, whose role is to advise and support the family in making key decisions about the company. They believe that in a family business, some perspectives often escape, and the voice of non-family member may be particularly important when the family divides votes into important issues for the company.


  Previous Current
Owner Krystyna, Jan Łapaj Tomasz, Agnieszka, Paulina Łapaj
Legal form of the
Ltd Ltd
Number of employees 104 160

Brand Model of transfer Involved institution Country
Tourism/ hotels 1 Family transfer Legal Consultants/Advisor Poland