Realization of National projects in St. Petersburg was discussed in St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry with INBETS BSR project support

Success Story

On October 15, the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry hosted a meeting dedicated to the implementation of national projects in St. Petersburg. The event was held with the support of the St. Petersburg Committee for Industrial Policy, Innovations and Trade and St. Petersburg Foundation for SME development.

During the meeting Mr. Maxim Balanev – Executive director and head of the INBETS project at St. Petersburg Foundation for SME Development presented key objectives and main results of the INBETS project. The participation in the Meeting allowed discussing possible ways of cooperation with representatives of regional authorities, business and entrepreneurial associations, business support organizations and business representatives.

Representatives of the following organizations participated in the Panel Discussion as key experts:
    • St. Petersburg Committee for Industrial Policy, Innovations and Trade;
    • St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
    • Unified Entrepreneurship Center;
    • All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises OPORA ROSSIA St. Petersburg branch;
    • The Union of organizations of business angels (SOBA);
    • St. Petersburg Regional office of the All-Russian Public Organization “Business Russia”;
    • Small and Middle-scale Business Crediting Assistance Fund, MFI;
    • Association “St. Petersburg Business women” (Delovaya Peterburghenka);
    • Union of Small Enterprises of St. Petersburg;
    • The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg.