Transfer Day Lithuania


«Informational event-seminar “Transfer Day”»

10 November 2021 10.00 – 13.00


INBETS+ is the extension project that builds on the main tangible results of the regular project INBETS in both quantitative and qualitative terms. The main objective of the INBETS+ project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of existing small and medium-sized business (SME) support organizations for business transfers in the Baltic Sea region this way aiming to facilitate successful business transfers, increase innovation, and secure jobs. One of the main tools to achieve it is individual informational event “Transfer Day”.


During the regular project, it became clear that in some countries there is still not enough awareness of the crucial importance of business transfers. In order to raise awareness and help companies to plan their business transfer as early as possible, at least six informational events will be held in the regions. These “Transfer Days” are aimed not only at other companies but also at public administrations and private sector interest groups. In this way, the network and local cooperation on this important topic will be further promoted in a sustainable manner. These information events are organized by a series of presentation and an interactive discussion with the participants. Vytautas Magnus University is one of the organizers of the “Transfer Day” and the aim of this report is to present the event and its results.


The main target groups of the “Transfer Day” were:
  • Private companies,
  • Small and medium enterprises (SMEs),
  • Business support organizations,
  • Public administrations, in the regional area of the implementing partner – Lithuania.
As Vytautas Magnus University is an educational institution, the event was also available for the participation of:
    • Students (with basic entrepreneurial knowledge),
    • Graduates (from different levels and fields),
    • Teachers and lecturers of business management, economics etc.
Since the target group is wide, the registration for the training was carried out using Google Forms, so that it would be widely available for everyone who is interested in participation. The “Transfer Day” attracted 49 participants in total.


The informational event-seminar “Transfer Day” took place remotely on the 10th of November,
2021 via “Zoom” platform and was carried out as follows:

The event was recorded and the organizers kept both audio and video recording for storage. The screen shots of “Transfer Day” are provided as Annex 2 and the presentations of all the lecturers are provided as Annex 3 of this report (both included in the pdf at the end of this page).

At the end of the “Transfer Day” Vytautas Magnus University has served digital certificates of attendance (Annex 4 – included in the pdf at the end of this page) to all the participants who left their contact information and collected a short feedback regarding the event via Google Forms. 26 out of 49 participants filled this form.

The information about the “Transfer Day” was presented on Vytautas Magnus University website and Facebook social media account for the dissemination of the training and its results (examples of dissemination attached to this report as Annex 6 – included in the pdf at the end of this page).


The evaluation of the participants’ satisfaction with the event was carried out by asking the following four questions:
1) Did you find the event useful? (mandatory). 100% of participants answered this question in the affirmative.
2) Did you learn anything new about business transfer? (mandatory). 100% of participants answered this question in the affirmative.
3) What information were you missing? (voluntary). Most of the participants answered that nothing was missing, some answered that there was a little too much information at once.
4) Other voluntary comments. Most of the participants wrote a thank you and enjoyed practical examples, one of them wrote that “business transfer is a game for participants in a strong and stable economy”.

Further Reading

Read more at the Lithuanian article: “In the areas of deeper knowledge of business transformations, the topic of business transfer, which is rarely discussed and studied, is receiving more and more attention.”
