Shall I be an entrepreneur? Welcome to the Competence Assessment for Entrepreneurship conducted within the framework of INBETS (IBC). This short questionnaire will help both you and us to learn more about your skills and competences. Please take a few minutes to fill it out. If you would like to get a copy of your […]


At IBC we equip workers and entrepreneurs with the skills, knowledge and confidence to tackle future challenges. We develop multi-skilled individuals to whom innovation, flexibility and globalisation are not abstract concepts – but natural ways of thinking, now and for the future.We aim to stay on top of the rapid changes in the modern world, […]


Transfer description The business transfer was an easy way for Morten to get started.  He is the youngest son at the former owner.  Morten and his wife both have an education in agriculture. The whole family (incl. Mortens sibling) wants the company to continue in the family’s ownership.  The reality has the perfect setting for […]