Transfer Day Latvia​

Transfer Day Latvia «Businesss Transfer day – Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry LTRK» Businesss Transfer day – project Inbets+ Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry LTRK26. August 2021 – In recent years, there has been more and more talk about generational differences and their impact on the labour market, company culture, relationships, individual achievements […]

Transfer Day Sweden

Transfer Day Sweden «Transfer day Skövde, Sweden» From Idea to success – project Inbets+ Transfer day took place the 8th of December in Skövde. It was organized by Drivhuset in cooperation with Skövde municipality. Also, all local business support organizations relevant for business transfer participated as well.The 35 participants were a combination of company owners […]

Transfer Day Estonia

Transfer Day Russia – Estonia «Business Transfer webinars in Estonia» Business transfer webinars – project Inbets+ Background In Estonia we decided about transfer day that we will organise a series of free of charge webinars on business transfer subtopics with different experts instead of on long transfer day. So every month starting from april there […]

Transfer Day Russia – St. Petersburg

Transfer Day Russia «Business Transfer Day in St. Petersburg » Business transfer day of project Inbets+ as a part of the Entrepreneurship theme day on December 1st 2021 Background More than 2 000 people watched the recording of Business Transfer Day in St. Petersburg On December 1, 2021 representatives of the St. Petersburg Foundation for […]

Transfer Day Finland

Transfer Day Finland «Transfer Day and Consultations – Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK)» Business transfer day of project Inbets+ as a part of the Entrepreneurship theme day on November 26th 2021 Background Satakunta University of Applied Sciences organizes twice per year a conference with a theme “Entrepreneurship”. The target groups of this organization are […]

Transfer Day Poland

Transfer Day Gdańsk «Transfer Day – Gdańsk University of Technology» 09 November 2021 General information Transfer Day conference took place on 9th of November 2021. It was organized at the Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Management & Economics by INBETS+ project teams members. 62 participants (including organization’ and expert person) attended in Transfer Day, […]

Transfer Day Lithuania

Transfer Day Lithuania «Informational event-seminar “Transfer Day”» 10 November 2021 10.00 – 13.00 1.INTRODUCTION INBETS+ is the extension project that builds on the main tangible results of the regular project INBETS in both quantitative and qualitative terms. The main objective of the INBETS+ project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of existing small and medium-sized […]

Transfer Day Russia – Kaliningrad

Transfer Day Russia – Kaliningrad «Features of building and transferring a business with an emphasis on a family business in the Russian Federation» 25 November 2021 года 10.00 – 13.00 Report On the 25th of November 2021 Association of SMEs support centers of the Kaliningrad region, a partner of the project INBETS+ (“Innovative business transfers […]